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The average temperature for the month is 19-24 °C in Zagreb.

Currency and Exchange
The Crotian currency is Euro. Foreign money can be exchanged at banks on business days (09.00 - 17.00 Monday-Friday) as well as in hotels, at the airport and in bureaux de change. All major credit cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shops. Automated bank machines are available at many points throughout the city and at the airport.

The electrical power supply in Crotia is 220 volts. Outlets are standard European.

Crotia is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Date : 1-4 May 2025
Place : Zagreb
Symposium President : Kürşat ALTINBAŞ
Attendees : 350
Organization : MYEVENT
Project Manager : Hande Mustafaoğlu
Hotel : The Westin Hotel

General Information
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